Image of Create Your Own Guided Imagery Worksheet

Create Your Own Guided Imagery Worksheet

In Resources, Worksheets and Printables by Courtney ArcherLeave a Comment

Below you’ll find the basics to write on a piece of paper to create your own guided imagery. If you have a printer and would rather use a worksheet, check out the PDF version.

Create Your Own Guided Imagery

Memories are a great place to start for creating your own guided imagery. Bring to mind a time when you felt either happy, content, safe, or loved. This memory will be the starting point for this guided imagery.

Write down the specific details you recall about each of your senses in this memory. If you cannot remember, then create some details that would have made the memory even better. Senses that you should include are:

  • sight
  • hearing
  • taste
  • touch
  • smell
  • emotions

Close your eyes, and use the details you have written to imagine the scene. Congrats, you have made your own guided imagery.

Image of Create Your Own Guided Imagery Worksheet

For a more printable option, check out the PDF version.

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